There is reduction in the number of helper T- cells which stimulate antibody production by B-cells. This results in the loss of natural defence against viral infection. It is caused by a virus named HIV human immuno deficiency virus. The virus was discovered in 1984 by American and French scientists independently. It may have passed from a monkey host into human population in Africa during the 1960s.
It is threatening to know that only 10% of the people who get AIDS virus infection actually develop full-blown AIDS.
Transmission.AIDS is transmitted almost exclusively via blood and semen during intimate contact as in
[1] Sexual intercourse.
[2]Use of contaminated needles and syringed to inject drugs or vaccines
[3]Transfusion of infected blood or blood products.
[4]Organ transplant.
[5]Artificial insemination.
[6]parturition from mother to baby due to rupturing of blood vessels.
Contrary to widespread fear. AIDS is not a contagious disease. It dose not spread by casual contact, such as sharing meals, kissing, handshake.
Healthcare workers. friends family members do not contract AIDS from patients. AIDS vires has been found in urine, rears,saliva, breast milk and vaginal secretions but it seems not to be transmitted by these fluids unless it gets into a cut.
Prevention[control]. The following steps may help in controlling this dreaded disease.
[1] people, particularly those in high-rick group, should be educated about AIDS transmission.
[2]Disposable needles and syrings should be used.
[3]High-rick groups should refrain from donating blood.
[4]Sexual habits shouldbe changed immediately.
[5]Clean needles may be provided to the addicts.
[6] Routine screening may be done in:
[a]blood donors.
[b]Organ donors [kidney, liver,lung,corneal]
[c]Donors of semen and growth hormone.
[d]Patients receiving haemodialysis,and
[e] Females in high rick group who are pregnant or contemplating pregnancy.
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