Can you say that the air we breathe in is pure or the water we use is clean?
The reason is pollution
What is pollution is it natural or man-made ? What are its causes and effects? let us try to out the answer.
Pollution is an undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of our land, air or water caused by excessive accumulation of pollutants.
kinds of pollution
The pollution is of four major types namely air pollution,water pollution, land pollution. In terms of origin it may be natural or anthropogenic (man-made).
Air Pollution

Degradation of air quality and natural atmospheric condition constitute air pollution. The air pollutant may be a gas or particulate matter.
Air pollutants and their effects
1.Particulate matter-it comprises of small suspended particles such as soot, dust,pesticides,etc., and biological agents such as spores, pollen and dust mites. It causes respiratory ailments such as asthma, chronic bronchitis,etc.,
2.Carbon monoxide-is a productof incomplete combustion of fossil fuels in automobiles. It is highly poisonous to most animals. when inhaled, carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
3.Hydrocarbons-hydrocarbons such as methane, are evolved from soil microbes (methanogens)in flooded rice fields and swamps. They aer also generated during the burning of coal and petroleum products,
4.Sulphur dioxide-is released from oil refineries and ore smelters which use the sulphur containing fuels. It causes harmful effects on plants and animals. Itcauses chlorosis and necrosis .In human, it causes health problems such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.
5.Nitrogen oxides-It causes reddish brown haze in traffic congested city air which contributes to heart and lung problems.
Secondary Effects Of Air Pollution
The reason is pollution
What is pollution is it natural or man-made ? What are its causes and effects? let us try to out the answer.
Pollution is an undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of our land, air or water caused by excessive accumulation of pollutants.
kinds of pollution
The pollution is of four major types namely air pollution,water pollution, land pollution. In terms of origin it may be natural or anthropogenic (man-made).
Air Pollution
Degradation of air quality and natural atmospheric condition constitute air pollution. The air pollutant may be a gas or particulate matter.
Air pollutants and their effects
1.Particulate matter-it comprises of small suspended particles such as soot, dust,pesticides,etc., and biological agents such as spores, pollen and dust mites. It causes respiratory ailments such as asthma, chronic bronchitis,etc.,
2.Carbon monoxide-is a productof incomplete combustion of fossil fuels in automobiles. It is highly poisonous to most animals. when inhaled, carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
3.Hydrocarbons-hydrocarbons such as methane, are evolved from soil microbes (methanogens)in flooded rice fields and swamps. They aer also generated during the burning of coal and petroleum products,
4.Sulphur dioxide-is released from oil refineries and ore smelters which use the sulphur containing fuels. It causes harmful effects on plants and animals. Itcauses chlorosis and necrosis .In human, it causes health problems such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.
5.Nitrogen oxides-It causes reddish brown haze in traffic congested city air which contributes to heart and lung problems.
Secondary Effects Of Air Pollution
Photochemical smog- Smog is a mixture of smoke and fog. It is formed in the atmosphere under the influence of sunlight by the photochemical reactions of hydrocarbons,oxides of nitrogen and oxygen resulting in the formation of PAN(peroxy acetyl nitrate).PAN damages the chlorophyII and thus reduces photosynthesis and growth/It also causes acute irritation of eyes and throat. Visibillity of the surrounding is reduced due to smong.
Acid rain- gases such as Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxides are oxidized to from sulphuric and nitric acids along with water, and precipitate as acid rain.It damages building materials,plants and animals. It also makes the soil acidic.
water pollution

water pollution is defined as the adding of unwanted substances or the change of physical and chemical characteristics of water in any way which makes it unfit for human consumption.It is caused by waste products of industries, domestic sewage, oil spillage, agricultural and industrial run off etc.,
1.Industrial wastes-The industrial effluents containing heavy metals and chemicals such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, mercury, zinc, nickel, etc., are directly released into the water bodies such as lakes, ponds and rivers without proper treatment. These wastes contaminate the water bodies and make them unsuitable for human consumption. Hot water is another noted pollutant from industries. Many industries use water as a coolant for the machinery and release of hot waste water into the water bodies causing thermal pollution which affect both the plant and animal life.
2.The surface run off-The surface run off from agricultural land is contaminated with pesticides and residues of inorganic fertillizers.and industrial are rich in organic and inorganic compounds. These pollutants contaminate both surface and ground water resources.
3.Oil spills-An oil spill is an accidental discharge of petroleum products in oceans and estuaries from capsized oil tankers, offshore drilling and exploration operations.It can cause drastic damage to the marine and coastal bio diversity.
4. Domestic Sewage-It is rich in organic matter and detergents. Decomposition of organic matter increases the nutrient content of the water bodies. Availability of excess nutrients results in algal bloom on the surfase of water resulting in the deficiency of oxygen content(BOD-Biological Oxygen Demand). This in turn leads to the death of aquatic organisms. This process is known as Eutrophication.

Control of water pollution
1.Sewage treatment plants should be installed to treat sewage before releasing into water bodies.
2.Excessive use of pesticides, herbicides and fertillizers should be avoided.
3.Bioligical control of insect pests and organic farming is to be followed in order to reduce the dependence on pesticides and inorganic fertillizers.
4.By legislation and strict enforcement.
5. By creating social awareness among people about the water pollution and the need for pure water.
Acid rain- gases such as Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxides are oxidized to from sulphuric and nitric acids along with water, and precipitate as acid rain.It damages building materials,plants and animals. It also makes the soil acidic.

water pollution
water pollution is defined as the adding of unwanted substances or the change of physical and chemical characteristics of water in any way which makes it unfit for human consumption.It is caused by waste products of industries, domestic sewage, oil spillage, agricultural and industrial run off etc.,
1.Industrial wastes-The industrial effluents containing heavy metals and chemicals such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, mercury, zinc, nickel, etc., are directly released into the water bodies such as lakes, ponds and rivers without proper treatment. These wastes contaminate the water bodies and make them unsuitable for human consumption. Hot water is another noted pollutant from industries. Many industries use water as a coolant for the machinery and release of hot waste water into the water bodies causing thermal pollution which affect both the plant and animal life.
2.The surface run off-The surface run off from agricultural land is contaminated with pesticides and residues of inorganic fertillizers.and industrial are rich in organic and inorganic compounds. These pollutants contaminate both surface and ground water resources.
3.Oil spills-An oil spill is an accidental discharge of petroleum products in oceans and estuaries from capsized oil tankers, offshore drilling and exploration operations.It can cause drastic damage to the marine and coastal bio diversity.
4. Domestic Sewage-It is rich in organic matter and detergents. Decomposition of organic matter increases the nutrient content of the water bodies. Availability of excess nutrients results in algal bloom on the surfase of water resulting in the deficiency of oxygen content(BOD-Biological Oxygen Demand). This in turn leads to the death of aquatic organisms. This process is known as Eutrophication.
Control of water pollution
1.Sewage treatment plants should be installed to treat sewage before releasing into water bodies.
2.Excessive use of pesticides, herbicides and fertillizers should be avoided.
3.Bioligical control of insect pests and organic farming is to be followed in order to reduce the dependence on pesticides and inorganic fertillizers.
4.By legislation and strict enforcement.
5. By creating social awareness among people about the water pollution and the need for pure water.
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