When there is no 'o' in the word 'number ,how is that it is called 'No'.like in 'No.1 school'?
Well,'number is the child of 'numero',a latin word with the former and the latter meaning the same.The age-old mother is dead and we all now use 'number' though words such as 'numeral' and 'numerous' are still in vogue
How did 'numero' become 'no' again?The answer can be taken from another question-'why is a 'Docter' called 'Dr.'Yes the first and the last letter are taken.Thus 'n' the first letter in tne word 'numero' are referred to as 'no' or 'No'
So the next time we use 'No.1',we will understand that it is from 'numero uno'.What is numero uno'?It means 'number one'.You are right.'Uno'because 'one' in the same way 'numero'became'number'.
Today we all say:
'Shakespheare is No.1 novelist in Englisah'
It is possiable then that his contemporary readers might have said:
'Shakespheare is the numero uno novelist in English'
Is putting the punctuation mark.(full stop) as in No.1 necessary? The present day's shaken English in our spoken English and written English allows both - with or without full stop punctuation mark.In other words,you can use'No.1' or 'No1' as you wish. It may be in capital(No.) or small (no.)letter again.
Well,'number is the child of 'numero',a latin word with the former and the latter meaning the same.The age-old mother is dead and we all now use 'number' though words such as 'numeral' and 'numerous' are still in vogue
How did 'numero' become 'no' again?The answer can be taken from another question-'why is a 'Docter' called 'Dr.'Yes the first and the last letter are taken.Thus 'n' the first letter in tne word 'numero' are referred to as 'no' or 'No'
So the next time we use 'No.1',we will understand that it is from 'numero uno'.What is numero uno'?It means 'number one'.You are right.'Uno'because 'one' in the same way 'numero'became'number'.
Today we all say:
'Shakespheare is No.1 novelist in Englisah'
It is possiable then that his contemporary readers might have said:
'Shakespheare is the numero uno novelist in English'
Is putting the punctuation mark.(full stop) as in No.1 necessary? The present day's shaken English in our spoken English and written English allows both - with or without full stop punctuation mark.In other words,you can use'No.1' or 'No1' as you wish. It may be in capital(No.) or small (no.)letter again.